- Beading is attaching beads to string, cloth, card anything!
- Basket making - a craft normal with wood that is weaved
and tradtional way
- Candle-making a interesting and quite popular craft.
How? By pouring wax into special candle molds or over specially prepared wicks and dipping wicks into wax.
With what materials? Candles are produced with many types of wax. Bee's wax, colored wax and perfumed wax are some of the most common.
- Cardmaking handmaking of all type of cards.
How? Basic card format is a folded sheet of card artistically fronted.
With what materials? well to many to mention.
- Fabric crafts - many types of fabric crafts which include
the following areas
- Knit patterns
- Handmade handbags
- Handmade Hats
- Yarn crafts